Montag, 24. März 2014

Dr. Daniel Kruschinski - Frozen Abdomen

Follow my blog about Dr. Daniel Kruschinski where I am telling about my own story of Adhesion Related Disorder, my severe case of "frozen abdomen" and how I found help with Dr. Kruschinski Daniel! No doctor wanted to help me anymore, they all said it would not "pay" to do surgery "before my next bowel-obstruction", because then they would have "to do emergency surgery anyway"!

This is my blog

Many patients like me had the same experience with Dr. Daniel Kruschinski: after suffering for years with being left alone by most of the doctors and no real and long lasting help, Dr. Kruschinski Daniel just gave me my life back. I can eat again without vomiting, I can live a normal life, I have no constant pain 24-7 and I am LIVING and not just existing from one day to the other!

To see more proof of his results, follow this link:

And watch out this video on youtube where you can see how Dr. Daniel Kruschinski is performing adhesiolysis surgery in a case of "frozen abdomen"

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